Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Resepi soto ayam

Ok, here's the recipe for soto ayam. It'l be in Manglish because its easier for me. hehe :)A.1 piece chicken thigh,bone-in (u can also use 2 pieces for this recipe)4 cardamon seed4 cloves2 start anise2in cinnamon stick4-5 tablespoon oil1/2 cup santan (coconut milk)B.4 shallots1 onion4 garlic2in gingerBlend items B. Heat the oil in the pot and add the cardamon, cloves, star anise and cinnamon sampai naik bau. Masukkan bahan2 B and stir for about 4-5min. Add in the chicken and water enough to cover the chicken, about 1.5-3 cups. 2 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. Keep flipping the chicken and continue boiling for abt 15-20min. Once the chicken is cooked, take it out and let it cool down. Add another cup of water and the coconut milk. (The blended items are wht making the soup look thick and thts wht we want. So make sure you dont add too much water ok?) Let it boil and then only you add the salt and sugar to taste. Banyak mana tu, up to your own tastebud. Shred the chicken and put the bones back in the soup. You can also put the shredded chicken meat back into the soup if you like. Thats how I make the soup for my soto ayam.I dunno how to make nasi impit fr scratch since i always buy the nona brand (or any other brand) tht comes in small packets where you just boil them for an hour and cut when its cooled down. Alternatively, you can use meehoon or both. Back home, id def use both.For the sambal kicap, blend or tumbuk a handful of cili padi. Add a pinch of salt, lemon juice and sweet soy sauce. If ur in Msia, use kicap habhal. If ur like me in the land with no kicap habhal, kicap abc pun jadilah. :PFor garnishing, use daun sop, bawang goreng, soohoon goreng (just deep fry and crash them on top of your soup) and of course beansprout. Selamat mencuba ye kawan-kawan!

Resepi 1: Healthy kukus and soup

1 pack tauhu lembut
2 sudu besar oyster sauce
bawang putih - cincang
sesame oil
bawang goreng
daun bawang - potong kecil
Didihkan air dalam pengukus.
Letakkan tauhu atas piring tahan panas. Campurkan oyster sauce dan bawang putih. Gaul. Tuangkan ke atas tauhu.
Kukus selama 15 minit
Renjiskan minyak bijan dan taburkan bawang goreng dan daun bawang.

Ni homemade fishball.....resepi dr dalinnasue kat MyR...soup dia, korang wat sendiri yer..heheh
400gm isi ikan tenggiri
1 sudu kecil garam (paras rata)
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk lada sulah
3 sudu besar tepung jagung
2 sudu kecil tepung ubi
60 ml air sejuk atau secukupnya
1/4 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat
secubit serbuk perasa jika suka
Masukkan dlm mesin kisar (food prosessor) isi ikan, lada sulah dan garam, mesin hingga lumat.
Masukkan tepung jagung, tepung ubi, serbuk perasa dan air sejuk kemudian mesin lagi sehingga sebati dan kenyal.
Bulat-bulatkan dgn menggunakan sudu kecil.
Jika ingin guna tangan, celupkan tangan ke dlm air terlebih dahulu ambil secubit pes tadi bulat2 kan sehingga habis.
Didihkan air, masukkan fish ball kemudian rebus sehingga fish ball timbul dipermukaan seketika bolehlah diangkat

Bahan2 stok:1 kg tulang lembu bersum-sum / ekor2cm halia - diketuk1/2 sudu besar lada hitam - ditumbuk kasar1/2 sudu kecil garam kasar1 biji tomato - dibelah 81 batang saderi - dihiris 3cm2.5 liter air atau secukupnyaBahan2 kisar:4 ulas bawang putih5 biji bawang merah2cm halia1 sudu kecil serbuk jintan manis1/2 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitamBahan2 rempah tumis:4cm kulit kayu manis2 kuntum bunga lawang3 kuntum bunga cengkih2 biji buah pelagaBahan2 sampingan:4 sudu besar minyak1 bunjut rempah sup tulanggaram secukup rasajus limau nipis dari 1/2 biji - jika suka6 biji cili padibawang gorenghirisan daun bawang & daun supcara:
jerang bahan2 stok sehingga menggelegak, perlahankan api dan masak sehingga tulang lembu / ekor lembut dan empuk selama lebih kurang 3-4 jam
bila air rebusan tinggal 2 liter, tapiskan ke dalam mangkuk besar
asingkan semua bahan kecuali tulang/ekor dan ketepikan
panaskan minyak di dalam kuali
tumiskan bahan2 kisar dan rempah tumis sehingga wangi dan garing
masukkan air rebusan, tulang/ekor, rempah bunjut dan garam secukup rasa
biarkan sehingga mendidih dan padamkan api
masukkan ke dalam mangkuk dan campurkan dengan jus limau dan cili padi sebiji-sebiji
taburkan bawang goreng, daun bawang dan daun sup
hidangkan panas2 dengan nasi, sambal belacan dan lauk pauk yang lain

Resepi sempoi jek tp kadang2 leh makan bertambah gak kalau kena gu dia..hehe...resepi dr Rossitamz kat MyR...asal ikan kembung tp tukar namalah sbb jun guna ikan tenggiri
2 ekor ikan kembong bersaiz sedang - dipotong 2
6 tangkai cili kering
2 ulas bawang merah
Belacan - secukup rasa
Sebatang serai - dititk
3 tangkai daun cendehum / kesum
2 keping asam gelugur
Sedikit serbuk kunyit
Garam secukup rasa
Sebiji tomato - dibelah 4
Tumbuk cili kering bersama sedikit garam. Setelah lumat, masukkan bawang merah dan belacan. Tumbuk lagi hingga bawang pulak lumat.
Masukkan bahan2 yang ditumbuk tadi ke dalam periuk.
Masukkan sekali kesemua bahan2 lain termasuk ikan kembung.
Last sekali, masukkan air hingga paras ikan. Kalau nak kuah banyak, masukkan air lagi.
Tenggek atas api hingga mendidih dan masukkan tomato.
Siap untuk dihidangkan...hmm...terliur pulak. Terasa kemasamannya

Bahan-bahan untuk Ayam :
1 ekor ayam sederhana (dipotong ikut suka dan dibersihkan)
1 sudu makan lada putih
1 sudu makan sos tiram
1 sudu makan sos lada hitam
3 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
5 biji bawang merah (dikisar)
2 sudu makan kicap pekat
garam dan gula secukupnya
sedikit sos cili dan sos tomatoCara-cara : Rebus ayam separuh masak dan tuskan airnya (utk ditanak bersama nasi dan dibuat sup). Kemudian perapkan ayam bersama bahan2 di atas selama 1 jam atau lebih sebelum digoreng.Untuk Nasi:
3 pot beras (dicuci dan ditoskan)
2 biji bawang merah
1 ulas bawang putih
1 cm halia
1 sudu besar minyak sapi/Ghee
sehelai daun pandan (dicarik dan disimpul)
setitik pewarna kuning
sedikit garam
air rebusan ayam secukupnya bergantung pd jenis beras yg digunakanCara-cara : Kisar bawang2 dan halia. Panaskan minyak sapi, tumis bahan kisar berserta daun pandan sehingga wangi. Masukkan pewarna kuning dan kacau rata2. Kemudian masukkan ke dlm periuk nasi bersama beras td. Masukkan air rebusan ayam dan garam secukupnya. Masaklah seperti biasa.Untuk Sup :
Air rebusan ayam
1 biji bawang merah (ditumbuk)
1 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk)
sedikit serbuk lada hitam
1 sudu besar stok ayam
garam secukupnya
sedikit daun sup dan bawang gorengCara-cara : Panaskan air rebusan ayam dan masukkan kesemua bahan di atas kecuali daun sup dan bawang goreng. Sesudah masak, hidangkan dan taburkan daun sup dan bawang goreng.Untuk Sambal Cili :
2-3 batang cili merah (dipotong2 sedikit)
1 ulas bawang putih
1 sb sos cili
1 sb sos tomato
sedikit garam dan gula
sedikit jus limau kasturi
air masak secukupnyaCara-cara : Campur kesemua bahan ke dlm pengisar dan kisar sehingga lumat. Hidangkan.Untuk Kicap :
5 sudu besar kicap manis
1 sudu makan tepung jagung + sedikit air (jadikan pes)
air secukupnyaCara-cara : Masakkan air dan kicap sehingga mendidih. Masukkan tepung jagung dan kacau sehingga kuah agak pekat.Untuk Kicap Pedas :
6-7 biji cili api
1 ulas bawang putih
sedikit kicap masin dan kicap manis
sedikt jus limau kasturi
sedikit air masakCara-cara : kisar semua bahan sehingga hancur. Hidangk

Resepi dr Putra yanty kat MYR jugak.... pestaim mkn singgang daging..hehe
1/2 kg Daging
6 ulas Bawang merah
3 ulas Bawang Putih
2 keping asam keping
1 sudu besar ketumbar
sedikit lada hitam
1 sudu cili giling/cili kering (diblend)
Garam, Gula & perasa secukup rasa
1 sudu budu (jika suka)
1 inci halia (boleh kurangkan kalau tak suka)
Hiris daging nipis-nipis. Bersihkan dan ketepikan. Hiris bawang merah, bawang putih dan halia.
Masukkan kesemua bahan tadi ke dalam periuk dan masak. Bila air daging tu dah agak2 kering, masukkan air secukupnya untuk dijadikan kuah. Biarkan mendidih..Dah pun siap. Senang dan sedap!

Resepi dr Nana xjb kt MYR....cnp ajelah ye...
1 ekor Ikan Siakap (ikan ikut suka)
3 ulas bawang putih - cincang halus
1 inci Halia - Hiris Halus
3 biji cili padi - hiris (boleh tambah/ kurangkan)
8 batang Cendawan
1 biji Tomato - belah 6
2 batang serai - Ketuk
1 helai daun lipau purut - hiris halus
3 sudu besar Sos Ikan
2 sudu besar Worcestershire sauce (kite gune brand lea&perrin/Maggi)
3 biji limau kasturi - ambil airnya sahaja
Klik di sini untuk isi bahan
Masukkan kesemua bahan kedalam pinggan besar/ bekas tahan panas
Kukus selama 15minit / sehingga masak

1 small green mango, skinned and shredded
5 shallots, sliced finely
10 cilipadi, sliced finely
1/2 cucumber with soft centre removed, shredded
1/2 carrot, shreddedSeasoning:
3 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
Dash of pepperGarnishing:
Coriander leaves
Mint leaves
MethodCombine seasoning ingredients in a mixing bowl. Stir in all shredded ingredients. Serve

Saturday, November 21, 2009

resepi muffin kismis madu

Voila..Hari ini for the first time cuba resepi baru ie uffin kismis madu..Alia pun sibuk nak menolong..resepinye:
1) Pukul mentega 200 gm, icing sugar 150 gm, madu 2 sudu teh, telur 2 biji, vanilla essen sehingga sebati
2) Selepas itu masukkan tepung 250 gm, serbuk penaik dan kismis 100gm.
Masukkan kedalam acuan.
Bakar selama 25 min, dalam suhu 180 degree.
Voila! sedia untuk dimakan

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Auditing my subordinate

Doing auditing my subordinate today for DM.
Issues noted:
1) no diagnosis/ problems issued) written at each visit
2) Medication not carbonized/ copied at each page
3) No signature/Chop of MO
4) No proper documentaion of spesific complaints
5) No sufficient complication assessment eg no Eye, Foot and no ECG as regularly as required.

Otherwise mX and investigation ok

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today friday the 13 of november I gave another CMe egarding new DM CPG.

Stories of mom and her teenager:
son: mama, tolong bank in duit Rm 60..20 ringgint nak buat spray naymauk dgn correction pen
son: yang pasal mms tu sbb virus.bukan daim sengaja..jangan maen tuduh je..bwt pe daim hanatar mms..Bwat habes credit je
son: ZzZ..virus tu masuk dkat hp daem masa bluetooth lagu dgn main serkap jarang je
son: slah siapa sekarang..Xder sbb mama nak marah..Patutnye daem yang marah sbbb mamam tuduh daem secara melulu
son; ok, daem minta maaf
son:40.. mana cukup..exam tak habis lagi ni..bena beli correction tape
cikgu: Everyday pun tak boleh guna correction pen, samalah exam
son; yang tak boleh guna liquid paper..correction pen boleh
son; esok tolong bank in rm60..lepas tu minggu depan rm 50 sbb up rm 5 sekali
son:mama bank in duit sekali senang..daem nak beli tiket bus sekali..rm 110 tau..sebelum pukul 2
son: 50 la, 40 lagi nak bayar duit hp.10 lagi nak buat beli correction pen. lagipun duit rm 10 tak de kat BSN, kena kuar Rm 50 baru boleh
son: Bank CIMB jauh..baru tukar cawanagn..minggu depan mama nak pergi mana
sebelum mama pergi top up 5 sekali..reply kat daem no hp ayah
son: mana ada daem main2 dalam pelajaran..lpas tu nak duit lebih rm10 pun nak berkira..kalu dgn Sara tak berkira pulak..kalau tak de 50 dlm bank daem ..semua subjek inggu depan daem akan buat markah 0..kat Taiping ni CIMB ada 1 je..jauh pulak tu...mama duk Kajang mana tahu
son: mama, cik Uda ada kat umah ke tak minggu ni..Buku teks dah nak kena hantar ni
son: Khamis ni , tapi daem cakap kat cikgu minggu depan

son: mama , esok tolong bank in duit..Bnk in 70 sebab nak beli sabun basuh baju, sabun mandi, selipar dgn buku teks

mama; Baru minggu lepas mama tanya ada ke barang keperluan yang tak cukup, kamu kata semua ada. Lagi pun tinggal 7 hari je untuk capai 20 hb ni. RM je untuk seminggu. Buku teks apa yang tertinggal umah cikUda?

son: abg senior yang guna sabun daem, yg buku teks tadi daem dah hantar semua. Buku teks beli kat kawan, selipar hilang. Xkan nak berkaki ayam. sabun badan dah habis

son: Cikgu tak kata apa2 pun tadi..lagi pun dia jual murah je..Cik kiah balik bila? Kalau sebelum minggu depan Daem boleh ganti dgn buku Daus kat kawan
mama; Belanja dan buat apa2 kena berhemah n jgn tipu mama lagi. Apa minta byk sgt tu? Pengiraan belanja kamu yg betul bermula dari isnin hingga khamsi kalu ikutn jumaatnye dah kena jemput patut 5 rm*4= 20. Mam bagi extra 20 byk dah tu. Total rm 40. Jgn nak lebih2 terlampau n jujur serta amanah lah kamu. sekian
son: Kalua mama cakap awal yang Cik Uda nak pindah kan senang.. tahun lepas daem ada tinggal gak buku..boleh je pulangkan
mama: mama pu baru je tahu dia terpaksa pindah sgera masa mam cakap dgn kamu tu la. Jgn pulak kamu nak salahkan orang lain pulak
Mama':Mam dah arrange dgn cikgu Mutalib tentang buku teks tu. so kamu urusla dgn kawan kamu sendiri, sapa suruh tak tanya dulu
mam: Next week mama top up. Petang balik kerja baru mama sempat nak bankin 40. dah
son: 25 la jumat sekolah..selipar rm 5, buku teks rm 16 ( ada 3 buah buku teks sains), sabun basuh baju Rm 5, sabun badan Rm 5 semuanya RM 61

son:mama, tahun depan belanja sekolah kat san berapa? Kalau sikit sgt daem sekolha sini lagi je la..Borang permohonana asrama nak kena hantar dah ni

mama: Belanja sekolah mcm yang mama cakap. Jgn pulak kerana isuue belanja ni menetukan kamu naks sekolah mana. Yang penting belajar dan untuk masa depan kamu. Belanja berhemah pun salah satu cara belajar masa depan. decision kamu nak sekolah mana tahun depan n kalu nak isi borang asrama tu isi je dulu. Kamu nanti fikir la lagi, penting ni 4 ur future

mama:Mhal sgt harga sabun mandi dan sabun basuh untuk tak smapi seminggu buat apa. mam pun tak belanja sebany6ak itu. Dah la hari tu kamu kata CIMB jauh, bila mama siasat dgn beberapa kawan kat Taiping tak de pun. tentang buku teks tu, kamu selesaikan lah sendiri, mama dah arrnage dgn cikgu. Kalau 20 hb ni Kak Cik ada, maama drop at her hse 1st, ambik and meet cikgu for return

son:mama nak bank in berapa? Dah la bagi duit sikit sgt..Bg je la duit utuk seminggu.. Time cuti panjang nanti mama bukan bg duit pun..nanti pergi CC kena guna duit lagi..kalau mama beli broadband kan senang..tak delah Daem pergi cc.tahun depan belanja kat sana RM 3 boleh tak?
mama; Tak boleh. belanja sekolah sama cm mama cakap. Syart2 n undang2 peraturan pun sma. final
son: Buku teks tak peerlu return kat cikgu. daem dah beli. Bagi je kat daem, daem bagi kat kawan balik, sebenrnya byk buku teks hilang, daem beli guna duit sendiri.
mama: Itu slah sendiri la. Tak jaga buku teks. Kat mana2 sekolah pun cikgu tak suruh ganti beli buku, ganti duit sama harga. Mama dah arrange terus direct dgn cikgu. jadi kamu selesaikanlha sendiri dgn kawan.
son: Buku teks kena curi.. daem beli pun sbb kalau guna duit mahal..1 buku Rm 14...daem beli kat kawan RM 4 je..4*3 =12, , 14*3=42. 42-12= 30, dpt save 30

son: mama;minggu ni cik uda ada kat umah ke?

Friday, October 30, 2009

CME presentation at Klinik

At times I will be forgotten date and title of my CME presentation, so today on FRiday lunch time at 1215 pm to 1245 pm I gave CME topic about ECG interpretation.

Monday, September 7, 2009

kek Coklat

I had many versions of coklate cake give by my sisters and frens. No doubt this high density carbohydrate and fatty food had became one of my children's favourite. This is one of simplest recepy:
1) 2 cawan tepung
2)1 cawan coco
3)2 cawan castor sugar
4) 1 3/4 susu cair
5) 1 cawan air suam
6) 1 3/4 minyak
7) 2 biji telur
8) 2 susu bicarbonate
9) 1 sudu teh penaik serbuk
10) 1 susu teh esen

Cara senang je, blend semua except sugar. Then masuk sugar last sekali

Friday, August 21, 2009

Presentation at work place

Today at lunch time I had giving CME presentation to my staff , co/ Dengue based on new CPG and case mix. I had to bring my own laptop bec , the one in work place unable to reboot. Luckily I had double check the computer the day before.
William, the pharmacist had help me connecting my laptop to digital projector...I forgot that I had to press fn and f5 simultonously to connect and synchonize my lap top and the digital projector. thank you William.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Transfer and Adios

I had had tried very hard to get transfer to a new work place which is nearer to my house, not only that I hope I could get a new experience at a new place..after work very long at the same place I bet it,s a time for me to move on to a new sorrounding and challenges. I waf officially tranfered on 3 August eventhough though referral letter form ministry said that the date should be on July 16. My old HOD hold the tranfer date for almost 2 weeks for department's interest.

The last few days at the previous workplace..we had farwell lunch at the dep and I received token from them ie cute gold pendant. Thank you dear all. The few sweet collague "belanja" me lunch buffet at the nearby Hotel as well. I will post few photos from the moment later!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Alia's dental and optometry session& car servicing

We went to wedding at Risda Hall. Above are the door gift.


Lego area at KLCC

Playground KLCC

At Pok Sen shop
Above are some of my new helper pic taken togeether with Alia.

now you see it! post extraction smile ..cute! of course when u r kid

Now you don,t!.

Yesterday , I had taking leave and had done lots of things:

1) Brought Alia for her eye appt at Optometry clinic HKL at 8 am. It is for routine eye check up bec she complaint of headache before. Alhamdulillah, her astigtism level still remain the same , anyway for paediatric age gp eye check up shoud be performed ideally every 6 months as opposed to adult which ideally around yearly check up. Her astigmatism occur due to anatomically shaped of eye ball which is a bit elongated. It can occur due to hereditary , pregnancy problem or unknown cause . For Alia, both of her parents wear eye glasses when we were adult so unlikely hereditary and as far as I concern , my pregnancy were uneventful… so it is unknown. But then lots of people thought Alia or even other children’s condition of premature astigmatism occur due to television or computer which was not related at all. Misconception actually …I called Intan ( my old fren durin metrication) as well and asked abut her optical shop location, its at Cheras Batu 9 near police station.. ( Ihsan shop) Alia’s next appt on 25/11/09

2) Then I brought Alia for her dental extraction at Paediatric Institute . I believe since I was already at HKL it might as well better to bring Alia for her dental extraction as well. “Killing 2 birds wif one stone”. The funny thing , we were supposed to bring referral letter, so I asked for assistance and wrote my own referral on the spot after asking for a piece og referral note from the helpful dental nurse. Alia cried but then recover after being given ballon and hair clip.

3) Luckily my dear hubby had arranged his busy working schedule and drop us at respective clinic at HKL,… considering the pack parking lots and the jam.

4) After wards we went home ,..after my Zohor prayer, I sent my car for servicing.. I just sent it for ordinary service after being adviced by my hubby to do do.As usual the mechanic told me to change the tyre bla,bla,bla.. I just told him , I will see to it later and opt for ordinary service at this current moment . This is what some mechanic car like to do. Before I married my hubby , I used to be conned during servicing car…. I used to be given wrong advice about car component and item to be serviced. Well… we learned from that. Cost for 123 Rm for ordinary servicing as opposed to more complicated

5) I then went to my regular 3 yearly pap smear at my regular clinic & doctor. I used to take care my health and performed regular health screening such as blood, BP, pap smear . I advised the same to other ppl,, anyway some of disease occur do to hereditary or some unknown reason…. So some disease still can,t be prevented.

6) I peep at the neighboring shop and spotted teak wood furniture for sale Wow… I bought one kartinin stool for RM 90. Cheaper than usual.

7) Back at home I went for cycling with Alia.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

The wedding & the chronicles of my family

Comparing between my hubby and me, I’m coming from a very big family i.e. being the youngest from 9. The eldest late Abg Kamal wed kak Pah, followed by Abg Apit with his wife K Ros, Kak Milah with bg Shah, Kak Sum married Abg Man, Kak Idah with her other half Abg Izad, Kak Munah and her Abg Mi, Kak Inab with Abg Jai and lastly Abg Mat with his wife Roslin. Thus,by doing this post I just hope that my children will remember and aware about the relatives from my side.
Then I have many nephews and nieces as well from each of my sibling ( sort of geneology ) i.e:
1)from Kak Pah: Razi, Zan, Farah and Hadi,
2)from Abg Apit; Wahid, Fazli, Haza & Atikah
3)from Kak Milah: Hazim, Wai, Emi, Fauzan and Mardiah
4) Kak Sum; Miza( Along), Laili, Hana and Fuad
5) Kak Idah: Firus, Shahid, Ayu and the youngest
6) Kak Munah: Najwa, Fendi, Epi, and Nazira.
7) Kak Inab with her seven princess ie Nisa, Jiha, Atirah, the 4th one, the twin Aimi & Aini, Wildad the youngest.
8) Abg Mat and his 2 princess Rini Adlina and Mashitah( Misha).

Some of my nephew and niece was got hitced as well and had children of their own ie Razi & Wife with their heroes , Farah & Ben with their son, Hazim & Mila with Aina. So basically I’m being among the youngest granny in the world. He3

This photo collection was done during Emi’s wedding at Kak Milah’s house.Unfortunately some ppl already left early to attend other commitment during this photo session eg Kak Munah and Kak Sum had left, while Kak Pah seems to be somewhere at that moment and some of photos ie the whole families was spoiled bec I had entrusted one of my niece to take the photo and it went keboom. Maybe I will continue my project during another wedding ceremony.

Wedding & Family : also the chronicles of my fam

Mashitah, Alia, Rini and my helper Sri Kasih from Tuban, Jawa Timur

Mother of the groom, Kak Milah

Abg Izad & Kak Idah

Abg Amat and Kak Inab

Kak Idah's family

Father of the bridegroom, Abg Shah

Abg Apit and Roslin

The bridegoom, Emi and his bride . Makan Beradab session, after bersanding.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Joint family Trip at Langkawi

Alia and her late grandma

Snake cage...

Cable Car Langkawi

At the beautiful, clean langkawi beach

Daus, Taufik and Shafiq at Cable car site.

Our vacation to Langkawi when Alia was about 2-3 years was very meaningful bec , it was among the last trip with MIL before she passed away. Besides we had a joint vacation with Andak and her boys ie Shafiq and Taufik. We travel by own vehicles to Jeti Kuah , Langkawi ..after we parked the car at the jetty we then hop on the ferry to Langkawi Island

My children's school schedule; a personal reminder

I always ensure that I will update myself with my children schedule. The boy and the gal activities were sometimes overlapped among themselves and with my own work schedule. Alhamdulillah the hubby is very supportive father and hubby and will compensate my absense, provided the timing was not overlapped with his own work schedule. I bet he is one of those father and hubby who cant be replaced easily. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

Sometimes when I read stories of a family with irresponsible father, how their children and the wifey suffered I felt so sympathy for them. I even come across with some of them in my work , one of them may end up to be one of my client. I always believe supportive community play an utmost vital role and surrounding ppl with contructive ideas or comments are paramount impt.

Technology and information

The price for my toy's accessory

The above item are among the new item I purchased .

I went to the nearest komputer gadget shop near my house

the other day and enquire the price of Karpersky software.

What a great shock I had when the man said that the price

was RM 150. Couldnt contained my surprise I told him the

price was much2 cheaper than that ie RM 90 over at Plaza

Low Yat. Immediately he reduce the price to RM 110 and

ensure me that price is not fix all over. Well , I just leave him.

Subsequently on the next day I went to the usual shop and

manage to get it for RM 99.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Alia's concert was held at the Town hall. This event occured during end of the year.

Malacca ; seminar and family trip

I went to Malacca during last school holiday. The town significantly diferene from the last time. I would say, it is worth to visit

At the Army Museum. Me and my Army!

Magnificant view of Malacca from menara taming sari. Worth the long quee and the gal dont have enough of it! She even asked " eh, why so short time" during landing to the ground.

The gal became moody due to the heat and long quee

jonky street at Malacca, Firdaus and Haikal from the back.

Cosy room, complimentary

Portugese area. Nice is in it!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The day at the museum and genting trip

School holiday… the day at the museum and genting trip. One of the day we choose to visit National Museum. Personally I believe we should instill historical knowledge and awareness among younger generation. I interested in history myself when I was young and had entered history quiz until state level when I was 14 years old! Then on the other day we went to Genting and spend one night at Theme Park Hotel… cost me RM 215 for standard room. Luckily we took a room considering the late night ending of our indoor game session. Alia enjoyed jockey ride a lot. Unfortunately the young man, Firdaus not keen to tag along.. reason he didnt want to spend a nite away . Well.. we had arranged the trip young man, even earlier than this